Previous Knowledge on Digital Media and Remote Teaching Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic



As of the 1st quarter of 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the pandemic caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus, infectious agent of COVID 19, social distancing was proposed as means to deal with this emergency and teaching went remote. In order to find out how teachers dealt with this situation, we conducted a survey using an online questionnaire and asked them to answer, among other aspects, their familiarity with digital media, their perception of their students' appreciation to this type of class and how much of what they have learned during the pandemic they will take to their classrooms once we return to face to face classrooms. In conclusion the technological advances available are allowing teachers, students and guardians to achieve the necessary educational goals, however, they do not guarantee the desired equity. The mismatch of technological advances between teachers and students, between city regions, between social and economic power etc., reveals the delicate situation of the educational system in our state. Even in schools and public universities where several strategies have been taken to give students more accessibility, it is still not possible to guarantee it. One of the obstacles beyond the economic one is the preparation of teachers who have not advanced to some of the needs of the 21st century.

Keywords: COVID-19. Remote learning. Digital information and communication technology.


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Author Biographies

Sarah Beatriz Salvador Castro Faria, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Cederj Consórcio Cecierj foundation, an agreement with the Universidade Estadual Norte Fluminense, in other words I completed my undergraduate degree in a distance learning Institution. I am currently finishing my master's degree in the Graduate Program in Science and Biotechnology, I am also a professor of Science and Biology and teaching is one of my greatest passions.

Juliana Mendes da Silva, Universidade Federal Fluminense

PhD student in Sciences, Technologies and Inclusion at Universidade Federal Fluminense. Master in Science Teaching from Universidade Federal Fluminense (2015). Specialist in Applied Neuroscience by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2018). Teacher in Basic Technical and Technological Education and member of NAPNE at CEFET-RJ (Maracanã), since 2018. Qualified in the area of vision impairment by the Benjamin Constant Institute (2010). Graduated in Chemistry (Licenciatura) at Universidade Federal Fluminense (2009). He is interested in teaching and learning processes, mainly developed in the areas of Science Teaching, Inclusive Education and Special Education.

Vitor Tadeu Pereira Erthal da Costa, Universidade Federal Fluminense

I am an unergraduate student of Biological Sciences at UFF, I work with the Espaço UFF de Ciencia  (EUFFC) team to improve my knowledge and research more about active methodologies. At EUFFC, we research the foundations of active methodology and produce models and educational games for use in the classroom. Currently I work in classes for pre-university entrance exams

Adriano Theodoro da Silva, Fundação de Apoio Escola Técnica

Doutor em Ciencias e Biotecnologia - UFF (2016) , Mestre em Patologia -UFF (2001) Graduado em Ciências Biológicas - UERJ (1992). Atualmente sou professor de Imunologia Clí­nica do Curso Técnico em Análises Clí­nicas da FAETEC, desde 1998. Pesquiso e desenvolvo ambientes virtuais e outros recursos didáticos baseados nas Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TICs) para atender à atual tendência de complementar a educação presencial com ferramentas de educação a distância. Tenho experiência na área de Imunologia, atuando principalmente  em educação tecnológica, ensino de imunologia e aprendizagem significativa. Faço parte  da equipe do Espaço UFF de Ciência, por ser um local que congrega excelência na Pesquisa de Ensino de Ciências e formação de professores

Gerlinde Agate Platais Brasil Teixeira, Universidade Federal Fluminense

PhD in Pathology from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) (2003). MSc in Biochemistry and Immunology from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1995). MD at UFF (1982). Professor at UFF since 1982. Director of Espaço UFF de Ciências since 1999. Coordinator of undergraduate course in Biological Sciences (2004-2010). Coordinator of the Graduate Program (Doctorate) Science, Technology and Inclusion UFF since 2019. Leader of a research group in Immunology on food allergy and chronic intestinal inflammation; and another in Science and Biology Teaching, involving the generation of learning models, methods and techniques, the stimulation of creativity and the influence of non-formal education on formal education.


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How to Cite

Faria, S. B. S. C. ., Mendes da Silva, J. ., Pereira Erthal da Costa, V. T. ., Theodoro da Silva, A. ., & Teixeira, G. A. P. B. (2021). Previous Knowledge on Digital Media and Remote Teaching Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic. EaD Em Foco, 10(3). Retrieved from