Feedback and Gamification in Online Education




Gamification has been acquiring importance in several areas, namely in Education. This article intends to make known how feedback was used in the case of a gamified system in Online Education and what the students' perspectives are about the various types of feedback used. The study focused on two half-year curricular units, both subject to a gamified design with several game elements were used as a form of feedback on activities and at different moments: points, badges, performance tables and leaderboards. Collecting data were carried out through observation, questionnaire and interviews. The results point to the importance of the various types of feedback, and their continued distribution over time.

Keywords: Gamification. Online education. Feedback.


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How to Cite

Gomes, C., & Pereira, A. (2021). Feedback and Gamification in Online Education. EaD Em Foco, 11(1).



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