Reflections on Training of Workers through UAB in Pará
This article analyzes the relationship between the training of workers graduating from Polo Cametá of the Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB) and their socioeconomic profile, their insertion and maintenance in the labor market, their employment situation and their degree of satisfaction with the training area. The theoretical framework is based on authors of critical conception. The methodology of this research follows the Historical-Dialectical Materialism with Qualitative Approach, and has as a technical procedure the Case Study. The results of the research demonstrate that the UAB Pole has an important social function in the training of workers in the microregion of Cametá (Pará, Brazil) and that most of the former workers do not work in their training area, but, contradictorily, they feel satisfied with the training received. It is concluded that the UAB / Polo Cametá, through distance education, contributed positively in the training process of graduates, providing professional and human training.
Keywords: Work. University. Formation. Distance education. Graduates.
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