Humanized Learning through Blended Learning
The new demands for the continuity of the promotion of a quality virtual
education, has led education professionals to research and planning hours. As
Revista EaD em Foco, 2020, v.1: e1110 2
one of the possible solutions to this fact, Hybrid Teaching or Blended-Learning
seeks to unite traditional knowledge in favor of enhancing students' learning
capacities with the use of technologies present in cyberspace. To achieve success
in this universe, it is necessary to know the possibilities of this environment, to
promote content that is interesting and engaging for the participants, and above
all, to place students as a central piece on the path to their development in the
midst of the proposed contents. This article is a research derived from a
systematic review in order to answer the following question: How to Achieve
Success Through Hybrid Teaching? For this, we propose, through the analysis of
several international texts, to describe the main difficulties and proposals found in
external studies with a focus on the implementation of research to promote blearning in the teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in High School.
Keywords: Blended learning. Secondary education. Distance education.
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