Social Pedagogy in Times of Pandemic: Extensionist Actions Outside the Classroom
The present research report aims to show the possibility of reorganizing the extension action developed through free social networks to train social educators and education professionals in non-school spaces in the period of social isolation/distance forced by the global pandemic of COVID -19. At this moment of COVID-19 Pandemic, extension actions continued regularly through common and free digital platforms available. This text demonstrates the new organization of the group of fellows who are part of this project in order to continue their continuing education work. At the same time, to show that, by using the free digital resources available, democratically on the internet, it has extended its reach to other subjects of education in order to favor the continuous training of many social educators. Therefore, the referred project, and its extension actions, gain a new form of (re) existence and transposition of the walls of the academy to enter the growing network of subjects who seek continuous training, through remote education, in times of isolation/social distancing.
Keywords: Non-school educational activities. Social pedagogy. Continuing education.
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