Learning Assessment in Blended Learning





The use of technologies in the school environment changes the way of learning and teaching, and, consequently, the way of assessing learning. Hybrid teaching has gained more and more space in the face of traditional teaching, seeking the appreciation of the student and the personalization of learning, merging the advantages of online teaching with the benefits of the traditional classroom. Thus, it is necessary to understand the concept of hybrid teaching, analyze its peculiarities and investigate how it is assessed in this type of teaching. Considering the existing gap when it comes to assessment in hybrid teaching and the need to deepen the theme, a survey has been conducted at the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) of which were the most cited materials, starting from the research question: what are the characteristics of the assessment performed in hybrid teaching? The objective is to understand what type of evaluation is performed in this modality. The study demonstrates that the evaluation in the current way does not fulfill the role of assessing students' learning , it is primarily summative, evaluating only their performance and does not coincide with a reflexive teaching practice proposed by hybrid teaching.

Keywords: Assessment. Learning. Blended learning.


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Author Biographies

Osmar Pedrochi Junior, Universidade Pitágoras UNOPAR

Docente do Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado em Metodologias para o Ensino de Linguagens e suas Tecnologias /Stricto Sensu, Universidade Pitágoras UNOPAR 

Rua Marselha, 591. Londrina, PR, Brasil

Josiane Aparecida Baroto Pavão, Universidade Pitágoras UNOPAR

Mestranda do Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado em Metodologias para o Ensino de Linguagens e suas Tecnologias /Stricto Sensu, Universidade Pitágoras UNOPAR 

Rua Marselha, 591. Londrina, PR, Brasil


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How to Cite

Pedrochi Junior, O., & Pavão, J. A. B. . (2021). Learning Assessment in Blended Learning. EaD Em Foco, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.18264/eadf.v11i1.1104


