Distance Learning in Pandemic Times and its Adaptations, Interactions, Affectivities and Results





The last generation of Distance Education is a teaching modality that combines synchronous and/or asynchronous approaches and aims to democratize access to education adopting Digital Information and Communication Technologies through interactive virtual platforms as mediators of the teaching-learning process. However, still requires the adoption of cyberculture practices, resulting from relationships between people and networked digital technologies, as a motivational catalyst for interaction. The objective of this paper is to present the experience report of an discipline offer in this modality, with the adjustments made in the scenario of pandemic covid-19, to students of a master's course enrolled at the Save University, residing in Massinga-Moçambique, while the professor teaching, from the Federal University of Amazonas, lived in Manaus city - Brazil. Both cities in different degrees of social isolation. Manaus, in May/2020, was under the collapse of the funerary and public health system, with severe restrictions on urban mobility and Massinga, at a level 3 alert from the World Health Organization, allowing a maximum of up to four people face-to-face meetings. With all these limitations, face-to-face meetings could not take place. After difficulties with internet signal, the interaction in real time was promising only through the WhatsApp application. From then on, were undeniable the solidarity, the commitment, the companionship and the involvement between students and the teacher. In this collective space, affectivity and cooperation flowed.

Keywords: Cyberculture practices. Online teacher. Real time interaction.


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Author Biographies

Jurandir Dutra, Universidade Federal do Amazonas


Carlitos Luí­s Sitoie, Universidade Save - Moçambique



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How to Cite

Dutra, J., & Sitoie, C. L. . (2020). Distance Learning in Pandemic Times and its Adaptations, Interactions, Affectivities and Results. EaD Em Foco, 10(3). https://doi.org/10.18264/eadf.v10i3.1085