Thinking about the Use of Technologies in Teacher Education in the Learning Distance Context
This article presents the result of a research that aims to reveal if, and how, teacher's education in the Distance Learning Context appropriate the use of digital technologies. The research is qualitative in nature and the data was collected through electronic questionnaires. The subjects are 22 teacher's education of mathematics, graduated in distance learning context at a State University of Paraná. The data were organized and analyzed by means of Discursive Textual Analysis and Cluster Analysis from where we were able to identify two main clusters. Nossos resultados apontam há indícios de incorporação do uso das tecnologias digitais na prática docente dos egressos do cluster 1. We believe that this has been evidenced mainly because these egresses began the degree course with the desire to be a teacher and for exercising the teaching profession, unlike the subjects of Cluster 2.
Keywords: Teacher education of mathematic. Technology. Distance learning context. Habitus.
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