Perceptions of Quality of Remote Postgraduate Classes: the Study in an HEI in the State of Pará




Understanding the quality perceptions of postgraduate classes at a Higher Education Institution (HEI) in Belém is the central objective of this research. IES needed to adapt quickly to the remote teaching-learning model, using the social isolation of the Government of the State of Pará, caused by the pandemic of COVID-19. The type of research is qualitative, descriptive and case study. In the first phase of the methodology, 29 graduate students responded to a form via Google Forms, describing their satisfaction with the quality of teaching and learning. In the second phase, four graduate students were interviewed for further discourse analysis (AD), seeking to understand how perceptions and feelings with remote learning. Among the results, 52% of students were very satisfied with the knowledge offered for professional development, but 12% were dissatisfied with innovation in class, the use of technologies and dynamics. The AD revealed that it is possible to create dynamism, socialization, using different technologies, without student rhythm, through remote learning.

Keywords: COVID-19. Connectivism. Speech analysis. Postgraduate studies. Remote learning


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How to Cite

Sousa, M. de J. (2020). Perceptions of Quality of Remote Postgraduate Classes: the Study in an HEI in the State of Pará. EaD Em Foco, 10(3).