Distance Education in Times of Pandemic: Between Hybrids and Agencement of an Experience





The text presents reflections that follow the agencement that constitute the experience of guidance and support to teachers of the State Education Network of Amazonas by the Professional Training Center Padre José de Anchieta in the operationalization and implementation of the Special Non-Face-to-Face Class Regime created due to the suspension of face-to-face classes due to Pandemic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome caused by the new corona virus. In latourian and leleuzian propositions, we seek the understanding of agencement and hybrids as a theoretical outline for understanding the reality experienced, in which distance education emerges as an alternative to the state's educational system, as well as providing support for the methodological path taken based on the principles of cartographic method. Thus, we follow the movements that unveil the challenges and controversies involving humans and non-humans in an experience still under construction with the entry point for data collection and analysis, the work carried out by the training center with curators, preparation of materials, virtual meetings, in addition to the documents guiding the actions of the "Home Class" Project. The reflections point us in their first outlines to the role of the state's previous experiences with the modality as a contribution to the realization of the project, in the same way that they show the difficulties that involve the non-use by teachers of digital information and communication technologies. for pedagogical purposes and also, the exclusion aspect of the project due to technical, geographical and social reality limitations

Keywords: Agencement. Pandemic. Distance education.


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Author Biography

Zeina Rebouças Corrêa Thomé, Federal University of Amazonas

He has a degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Amazonas (1985), a master's degree in Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1993) and a PhD in Production Engineering - Media and Knowledge from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2001). Conducted a Postdoctoral Internship in the Postgraduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, dedicating himself to the development of software and teaching material to support Stricto Sensu actions in the Distance Education modality (2013 -2015). She is a retired Full Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas. Leader of the CEFORT Research Group - Communication, Technology and Knowledge for Presential and Distance Education (CNPq). Supervising professor of the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) since 2005. Supervising professor of the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Teaching (PPG-ECIM) since 2014. Coordinator of the Laboratory of Hypermedia Learning Environments and Design Center and Production of Didactic and Technological Mediations at the Center for Continuing Education, Technology Development and Provision of Services for Public Education Networks - FACED / CEFORT, focused on the development of Continuing Teacher Education actions, aimed at the Printed Materials / Fascicle, Educational Videos and Virtual Learning Environment. Has experience in Education, focusing on Communication, Education and Technology, acting on the following subjects: knowledge, teaching, learning, information technology and applied technology


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How to Cite

Gomes, J. C., & Rebouças Corrêa Thomé, Z. (2020). Distance Education in Times of Pandemic: Between Hybrids and Agencement of an Experience. EaD Em Foco, 10(3). https://doi.org/10.18264/eadf.v10i3.1060