Control Systems and Strategic Alignment Simons in the View of Distance Learning Teachers-tutors (IES)




The adoption of ICTs - Information and Communication Technology in the educational context has caused a great transformation in the Higher Education market, mainly through Distance Learning, and one of the main characters in this context is the teacher-tutors. Therefore, the main objective of this work was to analyze the perception of distance learning (EaD) teacher-tutors about the Control and Strategic Alignment Systems practiced in the institutions where they teach. Regarding the methodological procedures, the scale developed by Damke, Silva and Walter (2011) was adopted to survey the data regarding the indicators of the strategic control levers, originally developed by Simons. Survey was applied to teacher-tutors from 3 Higher Education institutions in Curitiba, obtaining 62% return. Among the main results obtained, the existence of a meta-balance in terms of implementing the control levers defended by Simons stands out.

Keywords: Strategic Control Levers. Strategic Alignment. Distance learning.


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Author Biography

Daniel Ferreira Santos, Pontifí­cia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Mestre em Administração.


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How to Cite

Santos, D. F., Baggio Fabricio, A. C. ., & Silva, E. D. (2020). Control Systems and Strategic Alignment Simons in the View of Distance Learning Teachers-tutors (IES). EaD Em Foco, 10(2).



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