The Formation Course of the Pedagogue in the Distance Modality: Reconfigurations in Pandemic Times
This article socializes the data of a diagnostic research carried out with students and teaching staff (teachers and tutors) of the Pedagogy course in the distance modality of the Distance Education Center of the State University of Santa Catarina (CEAD/UDESC), developed through an online survey-type questionnaire that aimed to identify the access to digital network technologies and the internet by students and course teaching staff, to organize and resume teaching activities that had been interrupted due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. In this sense, while managing the Pedagogy course, we are concerned with mapping access to technological infrastructure and identifying the difficulties encountered by them in this process. Therefore, in this text we show out the changes implemented throughout 2020, the referrals for the resumption of teaching activities and the monitoring carried out throughout the year, as well as management considerations about the changes that occurred from the diagnosis accomplished. The results show that the pandemic changed the study routine and other dimensions of people's daily lives; hastened digital inclusion processes; and that the educational agents of the Pedagogy course analyzed suffered from difficulties in accessing the internet, lack of equipment or access with low quality of connection, in addition to demonstrating the need for continuing education by students and teaching staff of the course.
Keywords: Distance Education. Pandemic. Pedagogy.
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