Relationship of Variables with Student Performance in Distance Professional Education




This research aims to analyze the relationship between interaction, interactivity, student attributions and quality of life, teacher attributions and the performance of EaD/IFFAR students. As a research methodology, action research was used. In the 1st Cycle (Diagnostic Action Research), the studies generated evidence that EaD/IFFAR students are characterized as an adult audience, most of them female, male students have a higher average of digital literacy, while female students have better performance. In the 2nd Cycle (Discipline Intervention), it was observed that in the discipline that received the intervention process, students presented the highest levels of interaction and performance. And, at the end of the 3rd Cycle (Definition of the Structural Model), the research objective was confirmed, which relates the Student Attributions to their school performance. In addition to having a direct and positive relationship, it recorded the highest coefficients of explanation (R²), containing the highest index of the model, being classified as moderate and significant. It is also noteworthy that the relationship between the variable Student Attribution and Performance was the one that registered the greatest effect in the research, being also classified as having a moderate effect.

Keywords: Distance professional education. Moodle. Distance education student attributes. Distance Education Student Performance.


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How to Cite

Dalcin, E., Abegg, . I. ., & Ceretta, P. S. . (2022). Relationship of Variables with Student Performance in Distance Professional Education. EaD Em Foco, 12(2), e1773.



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