The Importance of Affectivity During Interactions in Online Courses
The purpose of this article is to analyze the actions of affectivity in distance learning and the importance of reflecting on affective relationships between the participants of this process, taking as reference the concepts developed by Baruch Spinoza regarding affectivity. An analysis on distance learning will be proposed in order to show the importance of the affective relationships between students, teachers and other members involved in this learning system. Finally, aspects related to a course of a higher education resident program that is offered at a distance will be discussed to understand how affective relationships between the participants in this process are established. The methodology used for the research is qualitative. A questionnaire was applied to collect data that were analyzed, presented in graph form and discussed. Also, used in this study were e-mails from students exchanged during the course as well as results from the Institution's Permanent Evaluation Committee (CPA).
Keywords: Distance learning. Affectivity. Teaching and learning.
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