The Use of Design Thinking by the Instructional Designer in the Production of Educational Materials for Distance Education




This research investigated how the adoption of the Design Thinking method can assist the instructional designer in the production of educational materials aimed at distance education. It started from the principle that the adoption of the Design Thinking method in the context of distance education can be as successful, agile and efficient, as it is presented in other contexts, such as on-site education, for example. This research used a case about the production of an audiovisual resource that ended in failure, but that could have a different result if the Design Thinking method were used. The problem that guided this research started from the question: how can the application of the Design Thinking method contribute to the work of the instructional designer, working in distance education? The objective that motivated this research was to present the Design Thinking method and discuss how its adoption can contribute to the work of the instructional designer who works in the field of distance education, especially in the production of educational resources. It was concluded that Design Thinking has the ability to be used in the context of distance education and that professionals with different expertise can benefit from using this method, including the instructional designer. Future research could investigate the application of the Design Thinking method in the production of more complex solutions, such as an educational project. Still, they could investigate the use of Design Thinking by the teacher, as an aid in the production of activities aimed at collaboration and experimentation by students.

Keywords: Design thinking. Instructional design. Distance education. Education. Design.


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Author Biography

Trajano Felipe Barrabas Xavier da Silva, Universidade do Porto

Universidade do Porto – Faculdade de Engenharia – Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n – Porto – Portugal.


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How to Cite

Costa, H., Stoltz, T. ., & Silva, T. F. B. X. da . (2020). The Use of Design Thinking by the Instructional Designer in the Production of Educational Materials for Distance Education. EaD Em Foco, 10(2).



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