A Gamification Model Applied to Social Network Education


  • Rafael Arnold Universidade Feevale https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3230-7221
  • Paulo Ricardo dos Santos Universidade Feevale
  • Débora Nice Ferrari Barbosa Universidade Feevale




The use of social networks associated with gamification strategies can help in the learning process. This study starts from the hypothesis that a gamified educational social network can enhances the involvement and motivation of the subjects in pedagogical practices that involve a social network. This article used a gamification model applied to educational social networks, with the objective of enhancing the motivation and involvement of students in pedagogical practices involving the resources of the network. The study uses the Design Science Research (DSR) method to construct the proposed artifact. The research has a qualitative character, in which were evaluated the gamification techniques applied by the model (artifact), having as a case study its application in the Educational Social Network Teia. Based on two experiments conducted with students from a undergraduate course and with high school students from a university project, the results of the research analyzes showed that the Teia network was helpful in motivating and engaging students, improving their experience during the activities performed.

Keywords: Gamification. Educational social networks. Digital games.


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How to Cite

Arnold, R., Ricardo dos Santos, P., & Nice Ferrari Barbosa, D. (2020). A Gamification Model Applied to Social Network Education . EaD Em Foco, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.18264/eadf.v10i1.947



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