Study of Radioactive Decay Using PhET Platform: A Proposal for DEC




Despite technological advances, where it is possible to obtain information on any topic of interest, the subject "nuclear physics" is still surrounded by myths and is viewed with fear by a large part of the population. To facilitate learning, one way is to introduce, in the various teaching modalities, information and communication digital technologies tools (ICDTs), such as computers and smartphones to increase the discussion and interest in aforementioned theme. In the case of radioactivity, characteristic of some atoms, the possibility of visualizing phenomenon, in general, is not possible and so ICTs have a fundamental role in this approach. Thus, this work presents the possibility of virtual analysis of the radioactive decay, within the context of distance education (DE), using a simulation present on the PhET Interactive Simulations portal. In case of the Polonium-211's decay, it was found that the simulation presents results compatible with the real experimental data, found in literature, showing that it can be used as a laboratory activity, virtual, by DE students. Finally, we emphasize that this work may allow obtaining other information that is considered relevant from data collected during this virtual activity.

Keywords: Radioactivity. Alpha particle. Physics education.


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Author Biographies

Natalia Alves Machado, Universidade do Porto

Doutoranda, Programa de Doutoramento em Ensino e Divulgação das Ciências/Faculdade de Ciências/Universidade do Porto - Portugual

Frederico Alan de Oliveira Cruz, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

Professor Associado, Departamento de Fí­sica/Instituto de Ciências Exatas/Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro.


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How to Cite

Machado, N. A., & Cruz, F. A. de O. (2020). Study of Radioactive Decay Using PhET Platform: A Proposal for DEC. EaD Em Foco, 10(1).



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