New Technologies Applied in Distance Education: a Case Study on Retention and Dropout in Higher Education
In an increasingly globalized world, based not only on costs and innovation, where speed is now critical to success in the market, professionals must always be prepared for the challenges of change, creativity and revolution of knowledge. New technologies associated with distance education projects increase the possibility of access to a professional training program. Even with the increasing technological advancement in distance learning, it was not efficient to contain the evasion number. Working distance education is not simple, and a teaching methodology is needed in synergy with the navigation tools, simple to be absorbed by the students and that will create an interaction between teachers and students who are the great actors of education. The study aims to know the main factors that contribute to distance learning avoidance and present strategies in its control. It is concluded that the avoidance control should be well planned from the preparation of the course, with permanent communication, a good infrastructure in the technology part so that the student can follow the course and have control over the software that will use it, in order to provide support in the technological and pedagogical issues..
Keywords: Knowledge. Evasion. Training.
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