Learning Theories in Textbook Production in Distance Education


  • Michele Domingos Schneider
  • Rodrigo Rodolfo
  • Elisa Netto Zanette
  • Almerinda Tereza Bianca Bez Batti Dias




Distance Education has shown significant numbers in the expansion of student enrollment in Brazil in recent years. It is evident in studies and research, the concern of managers with the quality of teaching and teaching materials used by the institutions. The Ministry of Education defines quality benchmarks for distance education, including indicators for the production of teaching materials. In addition, the development of teaching materials in distance education should be based on learning theories to achieve the learning outcomes desired by institutions. In this context, the present study aimed to investigate the learning theories used in the production of textbooks in an undergraduate course offered by a higher education institution in the extreme south of Santa Catarina. The research is qualitative in nature, and as for its objectives, it is exploratory. The case study methodology is used and documentary data are used. The research results point to a standardization in the elaboration of the analyzed didactic materials, although some changes in the format and layout features have been identified. The behavioral approach is evidenced, since the analyzed material is focused on the exposure of the contents and the method of exposure of this content occurs with continuous repetition in repetitive format.

Keywords: Distance education. Courseware. Learning theories.


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How to Cite

Schneider, M. D., Rodrigo Rodolfo, Zanette, E. N., & Bez Batti Dias, A. T. B. (2020). Learning Theories in Textbook Production in Distance Education. EaD Em Foco, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.18264/eadf.v10i1.896



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