Beyond Curricular Units Offering: An Inclusive Possibility for AspiesStudents Through Virtual Platforms


  • Jonathan Rosa Moreira Universidade de Brasí­lia
  • Everson da Silva Barros Centro Universitário Projeção
  • Jefferson Bruno Pereira Ribeiro Universidade Católica de Brasí­lia



Higher education institutions offer curricular units per semester according to the number of students and their physical infrastructure. When the focus is on private institutions, it is reasonable that this control is even more persistent and with defined processes because it directly affectstheir sustainability. Considering the curricular units that use conventional classrooms, the number of students allocated per class is made on the agreed quantity, and not necessarily by the student profile. In the teaching and learning process, teachers need to plan their instructional-pedagogical organization according to the students profile and plurality in the classroom. There is therefore a dualism of academic processes, each with its importance. On the one hand, the financial situation of the institution must be guaranteed. On the other hand, we must strive for the quality of the teaching and learning process, consideringthe diversity and different learning styles of the students. The aim of this study was to present a proposal fora recommended curriculum considering the particularities of an undergraduate student with Asperger's Syndrome at Projeção de Ceilândia College, Distrito Federal. For that, a mixed approach was chosen, documentary and descriptive, with five stages defined based on content typology, Bloom taxonomy, and adaptive learning mediated by a virtual learning environment. A methodological strategy mediated by distance education may be feasible to mitigate the limitations and difficulties of Aspergers Syndrome.

Keywords: Academic offerings. Inclusive education. Asperger's Syndrome.


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How to Cite

Moreira, J. R., Barros, E. da S., & Ribeiro, J. B. P. (2019). Beyond Curricular Units Offering: An Inclusive Possibility for AspiesStudents Through Virtual Platforms. EaD Em Foco, 9(1).



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