Formative Assessment in Distance Education: Conceptions of the Multidisciplinary Team of a Postgraduate Course in Informatics in Education
Learning evaluation is a subject that today still generates restlessness, especially when there seem to be persistent conceptions that produce classification and exclusion as results, when it is desirable to provide overcomes and learning. In distance education there is no difference. It is in this context that the present article aims to present the results of a research carried out within the scope of a postgraduate course in Informatics in Education (PIE), offered by the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo in the distance learning modality, which sought to draw a parallel between the formative assessment described in its theoretical framework delimited here and the praxis of the team of the course. Through a quantitative and qualitative approach and an exploratory and documentary research, we analyze the conception of the formative evaluation that guides the course. The data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, pedagogical project of the course, minutes of meetings and evidences obtained from the virtual environment. These were analyzed based on the theoretical basis and from the point of view of the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2011). As a result, it was possible to verify that the course team is aligned with the theoretical framework on the subject, demonstrating that they use formative assessment in their daily lives, although, in a small scale, some statements refer to the classification evaluation.
Keywords: Higher education. Learning essessment. Formative essessment.
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