Virtual Environment Usage Styles as a Pedagogical Strategy for Online Educational Praxis
In this article we analyze the of students usage styles of the virtual environment as a pedagogical strategy for online educational praxis. Based on the learning styles theory, the theoretical approach of the usage styles of virtual space presupposes 4 (four) basic styles, namely: 1) participatory; 2) search and research; 3) structuring and planning and 4) concrete action and production. The article is configured as an experience report, carried out with a questionnaire application with 159 students from a postgraduate distance education course. Data revealed a predominance of structure and planning style on the virtual environment (40.7%), with balanced results in search and research style (36.4%), participatory use (36.4%) and concrete action production (34.9%). Thus, the faculty was oriented to prioritize pedagogical strategies able to sequence learning, starting from the predominant style and advancing by the others. The report concludes by pointing out the pertinence of the diagnosis of the virtual environment usage styles for the online educational praxis, recommending its implementation in the beginning of the academic term, aiming to guide the teaching work and elaboration of didactic activities.
Keywords: Virtual environment usage styles. Pedagogical strategies.
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