Distance Education and Learning Styles: A Case Study at Colégio Pedro II
In order to achieve effectiveness of the teaching and learning process, educational researchers have identified different learning styles and how people process new knowledge according to their own perceptions. Among the learning styles, the study focused on the channels of human expression called modalities, identified by three learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic, synthesized by the acronym VAK. This paper presents a research study at Colégio Pedro II in Rio de Janeiro, more specifically, in the Teaching Visual Arts certification course offered at a distance, with the purpose of reflecting on the diversity in learning of distance education students and its relation with the didactic material offered. The study starts from the hypothesis that if the teaching models and teaching materials in distance education do not include the different learning styles, there may be some delay and disinterest in the assimilation of content. In order to explore the learning styles and get more familiar with the problem, researchers applied the experiment to identify the student profile by the VAK model.
Keywords: Distance education. Learning styles. Student profile. VAK model. Technology.
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