Google Classroom as Virtual Learning Environment in Higher Education Hybrid Programs: A Literature Review
The current research aimed to show the potential of Google Classroom as a virtual learning environment in higher education hybrid programs. An integrative research review was carried out with quantitative-qualitative approach. The considered time was from 2014 to 2018 and searches were done on databases such as Google Scholar and the Capes Portal of Journals. The results pointed out a growing number of publications on the subject, mainly from 2017, including both theoretical and experimental works, such as experience reports and case studies. It was observed that this tool is being used in different areas such as Law, Mathematics, History and Chemistry, mainly the hybrid learning model flipped classroom. It was concluded that there is a consensus among researchers about the characteristics, skills and abilities required for the use of digital platforms in hybrid education. In addition, there is relevance of these studies in relation to the construction of didactic and pedagogical strategies to orient the teaching and learning process and the organization of adaptive virtual learning environments.
Keywords: Digital culture. Hybrid education. Virtualization of higher education.
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