The Role of the Tutor in the Humanization of Learning in Distance Education
Distance education fulfills a requirement of globalization by bringing access to knowledge faster and more efficiently. In this mode, the Internet is increasingly becoming a source of pluricultural information with community reach. However, one of the difficulties in this teaching methodology seems to be the absence of efficient pedagogical monitoring. Understanding how tutoring should happen and what are the characteristics of the tutor can make this teaching and learning process more meaningful. This article investigates the appropriate way(s) that the monitoring process should be developed to achieve student success when learning at a distance. There is an attempt to identify the agents that facilitate the acquisition of knowledge with quality according to the authors Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky and based on Behar's (2009) theoretical assumptions about the pedagogical model in Distance Education, the tutors academic profile and training was outlined - needed by professionals in this area to effectively collaborate with the development of the student in this process. The methodology consists of bibliographic research.
Keywords: Distance education. Tutoring. Teaching quality. Follow-up.
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