Production Management of Educational Resources in Audio and Video: The Experience of the Educommunication Laboratory of the Franciscana University / RS



This article aims to describe how the production process of audio and didactic videos takes place in the Laboratory of Educommunication of the Franciscana University, in Santa Maria / RS. It shares reflections from the experiences of the multidisciplinary support team, composed by professionals from such areas as Computer Science, Journalism, Advertising and Teacher Preparation, among others, as well as specific technology equipment. The researchers experience as managers of the Distance Education Program demonstrates that it is essential to define a production flow and control system, scenario set up and costumes standardization for video lectures, content scripting and regular teacher training. The conclusion is that, although the institutional costs of production are significant, their availability is essential since they are effective tools in distance classes, making them more attractive for the student and enhancing teaching and learning.

Keywords: Distance education. Video lecture. Audio lecture. Franciscana University.



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How to Cite

Production Management of Educational Resources in Audio and Video: The Experience of the Educommunication Laboratory of the Franciscana University / RS. (2019). EaD Em Foco, 9(1).



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