Initial training and field experience blended-learning approach in Consortium Cederj Teacher Preparation Program
The purpose of this study is to understand and discuss the limitations and potentialities of the blended-learning teacher training courses offered by the Consortium Center for Higher Distance Education of the state of Rio de Janeiro (Cederj). The study looked in the students approach to the field experience
during the initial traiing as an emancipatory approach for lifelong learning. Thus, it was necessary to comprehensively visualize not only the organizational and dynamic procedures of practice, but also to discuss questions of professionalization that approach or distance these students from real
experiences in schol, their future field of work. A qualitative research study with 20 Consortium Cederj graduates or in the process of course completion helped problematize the formative instructional practices at Consortium Cederj.
Keywords: Distance education. Bachelor's degree. Teacher training. Permanent formation.
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