Flipped Classroom and Learning Paths in Teacher Training for Higher Education



Flipped classroom, Learning path, Blended learning courses, Teacher training, Planning


 Teaching in higher education in Brazil requires postgraduate training that, as a rule, does not address aspects related to the role of the professor. This study aimed to analyze the use of the flipped classroom and different learning objects to develop the theme: “Institutional, course and curricular activity planning”, as part of a structured course for postgraduate students in the Teaching Internship Program (TIP) at the State University of Campinas - Unicamp, SP, in three different groups of enrolled students. Flipped classroom methodology and a path containing various learning objects for studying different topics was used in the week preceding the class on the subject. After completing this task and until 12:00 p.m. the day before the meeting, each student answered a questionnaire containing basic information about their background, doubts, or comments on the different topics. The results revealed that this approach allowed students to arrive at the face-to-face meeting better prepared for discussion, and enabled the professor to address the doubts or suggestions present in the questionnaire responses, enriching the discussions and allowing for a deeper exploration of the topic during the class. As a result, the activity evaluations were very positive, and there was greater motivation due to the possibility of studying through different learning objects, which ensured greater pedagogical inclusion. The methodology proved to be promising for the development of blended courses in postgraduate studies.


Keywords: Flipped classroom. Learning path. Blended learning courses. Teacher training. Planning.


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How to Cite

Cortelazzo, A. L. (2024). Flipped Classroom and Learning Paths in Teacher Training for Higher Education. EaD Em Foco, 14(1), e2342. Retrieved from https://eademfoco.cecierj.edu.br/index.php/Revista/article/view/2342



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