Building a Connectivist Online Course: Wikiversity in Hearing Health Education




Wikimedia, Collaboration, MOOC, Public health


This case report addresses the initial development of a Connectivist Massive Open Online Course (cMOOC) titled "Introduction to Basic Audiology," which explores the potential integrations between the Wikiversity and Wikipedia platforms in using active methodologies in the field of auditory health. The cMOOC is a pilot project organized by the Bauru School of Dentistry - University of São Paulo in partnership with four universities from three different regions of Brazil (South, Southeast, and Northeast) and one from Canada (University of Montreal), with support from Wiki Movimento Brasil. This descriptive and exploratory report aims to evaluate the initial development phase of the cMOOC "Introduction to Basic Audiology" and examine the strategies and outcomes of implementing open and collaborative educational activities in the field of Audiology. The development of the principles of connectivist theory, a detailed description of the cMOOC pilot project, highlighting the strategies and results of implementing the educational activities, and examples of how Wikiversity and Wikipedia were integrated as educational platforms.


Keywords: Public health. Wikimedia. Collaboration. MOOC.


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How to Cite

Arrigo, A. J., Peschanski, J. A., Girardi Jr., L., Jurno, A. C., & Jacob, L. C. B. (2024). Building a Connectivist Online Course: Wikiversity in Hearing Health Education. EaD Em Foco, 14(1), e2212.



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