Proposal and Evaluation of a Hybrid MOOC for the Development of Scientific Writing




Affect grid, Science writing, MOOC, ARCS


Text production is a routine practice that requires clarity regarding the aspects involved in its preparation. However, difficulties have been noticed by students during scientific writing, where the majority have doubts regarding genres, procedures and academic conventions. In order to minimize this problem, in this article we present the process of development, application and evaluation of a MOOC entitled “Introduction to Research in Informatics”, whose elaboration was based on the ADDIE model, having been evaluated in the courses of “Scientific Work Methodology” and “Research in Computing” of a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science through a case study. For the evaluation, the ARCS model was used - which verifies students' motivation through self-reported levels of Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction - and the Affect Grid technique, which evaluates the hedonic feelings experienced during the course. The results obtained showed good levels of student motivation in relation to the MOOC and positive hedonic feelings, indicating a good experience using the MOOC.


Keywords: Science writing. MOOC. ARCS. Affect grid.


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How to Cite

Alves, M. M., Lima, J. R., Santiago, C. P., Menezes, J. W., & Aquino, F. J. (2024). Proposal and Evaluation of a Hybrid MOOC for the Development of Scientific Writing. EaD Em Foco, 14(1), e2132.



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