The Instructional Designer’s Polydocence in Distance Education: Attributions and Contributions




Polydocence, Distance education, Instructional Design, The roles of the Instructional Designer


Abstract. Based on an analysis of the concept, models and types of Instructional Design and an analysis of the selection notices for Instructional Designers (IDs) at Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology, this study aims to discuss the main duties and contributions of IDs from the perspective of polydocence in Distance Education courses. To this end, we established a theoretical dialog with authors such as Macedo and Bergmann (2018); Silva, Diana and Spanhol (2013); Carvalho, Nevado and Menezes (2005); Filatro and Piconez (2004); among others who address the multiple training and interdisciplinary work of the ID. As a result, we listed some of their duties, pointing out that there are conditions that redirect their performance: the purpose of the course; the type of teaching; the time available to run the course and the type of resources or media that will be used. We conclude that communication, quality, and planning are essential to the DI's work, given his essential role as an articulator responsible for establishing a dialog between management, technical and pedagogical staff and mediating the construction of the pedagogical proposal to guarantee the quality of the courses offered.


Keywords: Polydocence. Distance education. Instructional design. The roles of the instructional Designer.


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Author Biography

Denise Claudete Bezerra de Oliveira, Secretaria de Educação do Estado da Bahia

She holds a Master's degree in Letters (UFBA) and her academic background includes specialization in: Management in Distance Education (IFRO); Digital Education (SENAI); Pedagogical Practices (IFNMG); Education and Digital Technologies EaD (UFRB); Informatics in Education (IFSULDEMINAS); Digital Technologies Applied to Education (IF-Sertão Pernambucano); Languages, their Technologies and the World of Work (UFPI) and in Methodology of Research, Teaching and Extension in Education (UNEB). Graduated in Languages (UNEB), she has experience as an elementary and high school teacher and as a trainer for the Bahia State Department of Education, as well as acting as a teacher trainer (scholarship holder) for the post-graduate course in Digital Education (UNEB). She is a researcher with the Educational Studies, Research and Experimentation Group (GEPEE) and participates in the Training and Research in Teaching Practices Research Group (FIPE) - Research line: Didactics and Pedagogical Innovations and the Distance Education Research Group (GPED) - Research line: Methodology, Training, Curriculum and Assessment.


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How to Cite

Bezerra de Oliveira, D. C. (2024). The Instructional Designer’s Polydocence in Distance Education: Attributions and Contributions. EaD Em Foco, 14(1), e2126.



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