Inclusion of the Distance Modality in a Medicine Course: Evaluating the Process through Action-Research
Distance education, Student learning, Teacher satisfaction, Medical educationAbstract
Medical education has been going through a period of substantial changes, mainly regarding the desired professional profile and the pedagogical model adopted. Studies have pointed to the prospect that Distance Education can contribute to an integrated curricular design. The objective of the present study was to monitor and evaluate the inclusion of distance learning in a medical course at a Brazilian public university. Action research was used as a methodology. In the 1st Cycle of research (Identification, Recognition and Planning), it was found that the distance learning modality was being used occasionally in the course. A previous survey showed that 87.9% of teachers agreed with studies to include distance learning in the course and 72.5% had already completed training in the use of technologies and virtual learning environments. Based on this reality and theoretical studies, action planning was carried out. In the 2nd Cycle (Action and Observation) the Distance Education Center was created to promote studies and collaborate with teachers. It was also decided to map the learning objectives of subjects to be transferred to the distance learning modality, in addition to discussions on the topic in workshops, meetings and web conferences. In the 3rd Cycle (Evaluation and Reflection), a questionnaire was applied, the results of which showed that 90% of responding teachers agreed that the activities available on the platforms had the potential to stimulate student learning, they felt safe when working with online activities and innovation in education, combining technology tools and active methodologies. Online student assessment was considered a critical issue by teachers, and it was demonstrated that many teachers still felt insecure about carrying out online activities. As for remote classes, some teachers considered that simply repeating them could bore students. In addition, 83% of teachers agreed that hybrid teaching was possible for the medicine course, which could contribute to meaningful learning. Finally, the prospects for implementing a hybrid modality are welcome in medicine, with careful planning allowing those involved to highlight strengths and identify weaknesses to be better prepared for future needs.
Keywords: Distance Education. Medical Education. Teacher satisfaction. Student learning.
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