Application of the Active Problem Based Learning Methodology in the Integrative Project at UNIVESP
Active methodologies, Integrator projectAbstract
The distance learning modality has grown and consolidated in Brazil, requiring the creation and use of appropriate teaching, and learning methodologies. The objective of this work is to analyze how the active methodology is applied in the UNIVESP Integrative Project and to propose improvements to this model. Active methodologies such as problem-based learning are used in pedagogical models such as UNIVESP's, aiming to place the student at the center of the pedagogical process in search of the formation of a professional aligned with the current demands of society. The integrative project is a mandatory and recurring activity at UNIVESP that has adapted methods such as design thinking and Problem Based Learning for distance learning applications. Although well-established and structured, the practice demonstrates the possibility of adjustments, fact aroused tutors' interest in analyzing theories and external experiences with the method in search of possible improvement points that would help UNIVESP and eventual distance learning institutions. Questions were addressed regarding the formation of groups of students using pre-assessments of knowledge on the subject and the required techniques, application of engagement assessments during the activity, necessity to observe the profile of the tutors and promote training to approach the proposed themes, mandatory registration of group discussions for returns and adequate support to the group, an adjustment in the proposed themes to increase the motivation of the students as well as to curb the representation of projects.
Keywords: EaD. Active methodologies. PBL. Integrator project.
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