Through an Aesthetic Experience, how to Observe the Importance of Connectors to Textual Production
Teaching, Connective, Textual production, MythosAbstract
The present work aims to demonstrate an aesthetic experience built from the production of authorial texts, making use of connectives, in remote classes of Portuguese Language, Literature and Textual Production, in the year 2021, aimed at qualifying students for the National Teaching Exam Medium (ENEM). Thus, it is proposed to highlight that the student's text, in order to achieve the objective of transmitting a meaning, must include offers (made by the teacher-mediator) of possibilities for observing the times of human being and his historicity to raise awareness of the process enunciation of textual production and the expansion of their sociocultural repertoire so that, in due course, they are able to organize their thoughts about their own existence and the contexts in which they participate. That said, we must resort to the philosophical understanding of the term mythos. The term comprises the narratives that present entities with their origins, since Antiquity, and, even today, through different means (physical or virtual) and forms (multimodal textual genres, films and others), translate society as a set of individuals who they need to coexist through meaningful relationships. Therefore, these are sine qua non conditions for revealing one's own speech and sharing an effective and seductive message.
Keywords: Connective. Textual production. ENEM. Mythos.
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