Construction of Training Course-type Technology for Nursing Process Recording
Nursing. Education, Distance. Nursing Process. Nursing Records. Educational Technology.Abstract
Introduction: training courses are important tools for health education, as they promote the improvement and awareness of nursing professionals. Nursing records provide legitimacy to the care provided to patients, especially if recorded following the steps of the Nursing Process. Objective: to describe the construction of an educational technology of the training course type to qualify the Nursing Process Record. Method: this is the second stage of methodological research, that is, the construction of Technology in the form of a training course. Contextualized Instructional Design was used to structure the course and organize the contents and the structuring took place based on the following phases: analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Results: The course was structured into five modules: presentation, three modules of specific content and closing, with a workload of 30 hours. It took place in a hybrid way, with synchronous and asynchronous online moments and in-person meetings. The course was organized from October to December 2021. Conclusion: the course enabled interaction, communication and dialogue between course participants, teachers/tutors, through Moodle® tools. A Nurse Evolution roadmap emerged from the course and was implemented in the hospital's computerized system.
Keywords: Nursing. Education distance. Nursing process. Nursing records. Educational technology.
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