Remote Teaching Challenges:a Proposal with more Colors and Student Protagonism
Active methodology, Creativity, Remote teaching, Student protagonismAbstract
The University of Brasília (UnB), as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, suspended its face-to-face activities and students and professors had to adapt to remote teaching. The pandemic brought us emergency changes. Curricula at universities were crossed by new methodologies, many of them innovative and which may continue for years to come, after all, adaptations for the new generations of classrooms are urgent. This project visually created more creative materials in order to complement the pre-existing ones of a UnB discipline of the Licentiate in Biological Sciences course. In addition, it proposed activities that reviewed the university experience that welcomed and enriched remote teaching, based on the active teaching methodology. The results, in addition to the representative figures throughout the text, were the intervention in teaching materials and the creation of dynamics and their room applications. A new classroom model capable of involving students and inviting them to act creatively. The methodology proposed by this work can be continuously applied to both remote and face-to-face teaching in any discipline and has already been used in the face-to-face return of classes at the university.
Key words: Creativity. Student protagonism. Remote teaching. Active methodology.
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