Teacher Training in ICT integration as a Promoter of Digital Competence Development of
Digital competence, BNC-training, DigCompEdu, Teacher trainingAbstract
The present study aims to investigate the progress in the level of digital competence of teachers involved in a training course focused on the educational integration of technologies. For this purpose, we resorted to the design and implementation of a training course and to the measurement of the teachers’ level of digital competence based on the European Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu) and its specific questionnaire (DigCompEdu CheckIn 2019). This research assumed a quantitative nature and the data collection process was carried out in two moments (pre and post-training), with a group of five elementary school’ teachers from a private school in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil. The main contribution of this research lies in the importance of incorporating the approach to using digital technologies in pedagogical practice into teacher training courses. This focus aims to meet the dimensions of professional practice and engagement, as the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) recommended for the Initial Training of Basic Education Teachers (BNC-Training). The relevance of this direction is also highlighted in line with prominent references in the area aimed at improving teachers' digital competence. This inclusion not only meets BNC-Formação guidelines but also seeks to promote greater integration of teachers with digital tools, aligning with relevant standards and references in contemporary education.
Keywords: Digital competence. DigCompEdu. Teacher training. BNC-training.
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