Emergency Remote Teaching: Teaching Challenges and Knowledges from the Students' Perspective





Digital technologies, University pedagogy, Teaching knowledge, Online classes


 This work aims to understand the constructed and mobilized teaching challenges and knowledges in Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) by a group of professors from a public university in Bahia. Thus, we sought to analyze the main challenges presented by the students about ERT, as well as to map the knowledge constructed and mobilized by the professors in the context of online classrooms, from the students' point of view. Therefore, we used qualitative research as a methodological approach since our studies aim to overcome the positivist paradigm and the emergence of the assumption of subjectivity as a fact inherent to the composition of the studied reality. Understanding how the subjects experienced and interpreted their experiences in online classrooms, in the context of social isolation imposed by the pandemic, enabled the emergence of two categories. One related to the challenges faced by the students, entitled by us Centrality of teaching in the classic one-all communication model, another categorized as Teacher knowledges as constructed/mobilized in the ERT: technological knowledge, knowledge of online teaching mediation and affective knowledge. We observed, in the authorized discourses of the subjects, several challenges faced in the ERT, both by the students and the professors. We highlight the construction of new knowledge and teaching strategies mediated by information and communication technologies. The research results point to the need for more investment in research in this area and in projects and actions that advance towards a university pedagogy that recognizes the knowledges of teaching and reflects on them.


Keywords: Remote teaching. Online classes. Digital technologies. Teaching knowledge. University pedagogy.


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Author Biographies

Socorro Aparecida Cabral Pereira , Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia

PEREIRA, Socorro Aparecida Cabral. Professora do Departamento de Ciências Humanas e Letras (DCHL) na Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), Campus de Jequié.  Completou seu doutorado na Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFAL). Membro do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Paulo Freire (NEPAF).  Seus interesses por pesquisa incluem formação de professores e desenvolvimento profissional docente com destaque para as tecnologias digitais em rede. Atualmente está liderando um projeto relacionado à aprendizagem móvel de alunos da educação básica.


Alessandra Bueno De Grandi, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia

GRANDI, Alessandra Bueno de. Professora do Departamento de Ciências Humanas e Letras (DCHL) na Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), Campus de Jequié. Completou seu mestrado na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Seus interesses por pesquisa incluem pesquisa, educação e tecnologias.
 E-mail: florbi@uesb.edu.br


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How to Cite

Pereira , S. A. C., Gonçalves, M. de C. P. B., & Grandi, A. B. D. (2023). Emergency Remote Teaching: Teaching Challenges and Knowledges from the Students’ Perspective. EaD Em Foco, 12(3), e1871. https://doi.org/10.18264/eadf.v12i3.1871