Pedagogical Models for Distance Education: a Systematic Review
This article sought answers to the following questions: which pedagogical models for distance education appear in scientific studies and which epistemological basis underlies them? Through searches carried out on the CAPES Journal Portal and on the Digital Bank of Theses and Dissertations, observing the PRISMA recommendation, four scientific texts were selected in the researched databases. The studies indicated that the pedagogical models for distance education converge to a methodological strategy that privileges the centrality of pedagogical actions in the student, asynchronous interaction in the LMS, "‹"‹dialogicity and theory/practice integration in learning situations. The epistemological basis underlying the models rests on the premise that knowledge is the result of interactions that take place in the LMS (socioconstructivism). The conclusions found are not exhaustive due to limitations in the number of databases consulted. Future research is suggested, contemplating other databases and the time lapse of the COVID-19 pandemic period.
Keywords: Pedagogical models for distance education. Distance Education. PRISMA recommendation. Systematic literature review.
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