Developing Initial and Continuous Education E-learning Courses in Remote Work: Experience Report




This paper aims to present an experience report of an action that took place within a Instituto Federal. In the first semester of 2020, the team of the coordination responsible for the production of educational technologies held partnership with SETEC / MEC, to produce six e-learning courses of Formação Inicial e Continuada (initial and continuous education) - FIC, to make available to the internal and external IFSul community. Therefore, the coordination developed  a workflow in order to implement this course in a very short time, maintaining the standard of classroom and distance learning courses already produced by this institution. The workflow proposed and reported in this experience report has professionals from different areas of knowledge who aim to produce courses efficiently and effectively. 


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How to Cite

Gugliano, B. F., Behling, A. da S. ., & Moreira, M. I. G. (2021). Developing Initial and Continuous Education E-learning Courses in Remote Work: Experience Report. EaD Em Foco, 11(1).



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