Using Instagram as an Educational Strategy in a Pandemic Context: an Experience Report



The article aims to report the experience of the teachers of technical teaching of Administration, from Colégio Pedro II, with the realization of lives in Instagram, promoted a teaching-learning space and collaborative environment, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The work was developed through the application of an online questionnaire, in search of student opinion on lives, in order to contemplate two predetermined objectives: 1) Moments of synchronous and asynchronous interaction between students and teachers were promoted, contributing to the support of social needs and affection in a pandemic context and 2) Lives contributed to the development of competence and learning in Management. Using Bardin(2015)'s content analysis and data mining carried out by the Iramuteq software, the objectives mentioned were contemplated, evidenced by the questionnaires results, which was constructed in a semi-structured manner, in order to promote a broad and articulated analysis of the teaching-learning processes, added to the reception processes, which occupied an even more prominent place, given the social distance.

Keywords: Pandemic. Instagram. Technical education. Management education.


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How to Cite

Da Silva, A. R. S., França, V. da C. ., Freitas, J. C. T. de ., & Quintela, A. C. S. de M. (2021). Using Instagram as an Educational Strategy in a Pandemic Context: an Experience Report. EaD Em Foco, 10(3). Retrieved from