Textual Analysis of Academic Production on Guardianship Processes Within the Scope of Distance Education
The tutor is one of the main mediation agents for teaching and learning in distance education due to the proximity he has with the student. Analyzing studies related to tutor / tutoring allows us to verify what has been approached as relevant themes for this theme. The objective of this work is to analyze 90 articles (6.55% of the total production) published in annals of CIET/ENPED- International Congress of Education and Technologies / Meeting of Researchers in Distance Education in the editions from 2012 to 2018. Through qualitative analyzes processed in the IRAMUTEQ software, we developed different graphic analyzes based on a textual corpus generated by these articles, which allowed us to verify what an expressive portion of Brazilian and foreign academic works on tutor / tutoring address in the annals of the selected event and their relationship with Technologies. The study compiles data and becomes an interesting search tool for the construction of academic works, as well as documents that guide the tutoring theme in distance education.
Keywords: Tutor. IRAMUTEQ. Textual analysis.
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