Strategies to Improve the Quality of Texts of Biology Students from Distance Learning, in Consonance with the Sustainable Development Goals
The objective of this study was to present and analyze the effectiveness of the intervention strategies proposed by a professor of the Biological Sciences Degree course in the Distance modality of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, which were intended to improve the quality of the record of the reports written by the students of the supervised internship, with a view to achieving the goals proposed by Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 10, Quality Education and Reduction of Inequalities, respectively. For this, three strategies implemented from the 2017.1 semester were analyzed: the first one, which took place in person, at the hubs, corresponded to the exposure of problems to students and tutors; the second, also performed at the poles, was the realization of an activity on the textual genre scripting; and the third strategy took place in the format of activity guidelines on the discipline page in the virtual environment of Moodle Mandacaru. After the interventions it was possible to evidence improvements in the quality of the texts posted by the e-students, with greater criticality of the discourse, in their narratives of the pedagogical actions. It was also noticed, with regard to rethinking the practice within the process of teacher training, that the guiding teacher trainers felt inserted in this role, both in the virtual space and in the time necessary for that, being aware of their complementarity in training of the pedagogical self of these future educators. It was also observed that these actions were in line with objectives 4 and 10, insofar as they were linked to its premises, the reduction of inequalities and the search for sustainability.
Keywords: Supervised internship. Reflective diary. Critical intervention. Sustainable development goals.
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