Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and the Science Teaching: a Bibliographic Review

Una Revisión Bibliográfica




Massive Open Online Courses - MOOC - are a recent teaching-learning proposal, originated from the connectivist theory, which proposes a learning model integrated with new technologies. These are courses that differ from traditional Distance Education because they are open and massive. In science education, MOOCs are widely disseminated, with courses in specific areas such as Biology, Physics and Chemistry. In order to explore the potentials and limitations related to MOOC courses in science teaching, we present a bibliographic review in which we list three categories of analysis: assessment, permanence and resources for learning. For this, articles from the period between 2010 and 2019 were analyzed, made available in virtual databases, which addressed the MOOC theme related to some area of science education. The results of the review showed that the courses have some deficiencies related to two categories: assessment and permanence. Regarding the resources used in the platforms, there were no significant criticisms, representing that, in this aspect, the MOOC courses have served the students satisfactorily. The study concluded that despite the problems identified, the MOOC courses are highly relevant to the teaching of Sciences, having already expressed positive results in the learning of scientific contents, in the access and dissemination of these contents to different audiences.

Keywords: E-learning. Connectivism. MOOC. Science teaching.


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Author Biographies

Daniel da Fonseca Pereira, Instituto Federal do Espí­rito Santo

Instituto Federal do Espí­rito Santo - Campus Vila Velha

Maria Alice Veiga Ferreira de Souza, Instituto Federal do Espí­rito Santo

Graduada em Matemática (Ufes). Doutora em Psicologia da Educação Matemática, Pós-doutora em Resolução de Problemas (Universidade de Lisboa-Portugal) e em Números Racionais (Rutgers University - New Jersey - USA). Professora e pesquisadora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação em Ciências e Matemática do Instituto Federal do espí­rito Santo.


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How to Cite

Pereira, D. da F., & Veiga Ferreira de Souza, M. A. (2020). Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and the Science Teaching: a Bibliographic Review: Una Revisión Bibliográfica. EaD Em Foco, 10(2).


