Distance Education: A New (and Unique?) Opportunity to Get a Degree





Over the past few years, Distance Education (EAD) has shown an accelerated growth in Brazilian higher education. Today, this type of education already represents almost 25% of undergraduate enrollments in Brazil, which shows its consolidation. In view of this accelerated expansion of distance learning, this article has the central objective of investigating students who have opted for distance education as a way to access higher education diploma. In total, interviews were carried out with 58 distance undergraduate students, enrolled at the end of the course, at 7 higher education institutions (HEIs) in Rio Grande do Sul. The interview script was built around four lines of investigation: 1) student profile; 2) motivation; 3) perception and adaptation; 4) permanence strategies. The article concludes that, for many students, Distance Education is much more than just a new opportunity to obtain a diploma: it is the only possible path.

Keywords: Distance Education. Higher Education. Undergraduate student.


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How to Cite

Garcia da Costa, E. (2020). Distance Education: A New (and Unique?) Opportunity to Get a Degree: . EaD Em Foco, 10(2). https://doi.org/10.18264/eadf.v10i2.1067



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